Friday, 9 September 2011

Video Analysis

            The transitions of this video are syncopated to the beat this helps the video flow better as they help visualise the sounds as well as hearing them.  At 3:53 the photographs change on the drumbeat, this helps create a climax to the solo.
            The singer of avenged sevenfold seems to be narrating the video as in my opinion the shots of the younger version of the band are memories, maybe this is his way of showing everyone what “the rev” (the drummer) was like and how much they miss him.
            The narrative of this music video is about their drummer who has recently passed away. The video shows the bands life together ranging from a very young age up until the present day in which they are without him. The performance is very convincing as their emotions are real because they are grieving their friend and band member. Also the actors they hired to play them as children and teenagers resemble the band members so it makes the story line more believable.
            The rock star image is presented in this as all of the band members are wearing mostly black and have many tattoos. Although the stereotype is slightly subverted, as rock stars are well known for not caring and being energetic, as this song is very meaningful to them it is better suited to be unenergetic and emotional.
            There is a lyric in this son “place in time, always on my mind” at this moment we see the young Avenged Sevenfold sat out side of a shop, then it transitions to the band driving past the shop, this is slightly illustrative as we’re seeing the place that’s on his mind.
             A lot of close up shots of the instuments are used, this is typical of  music vieo of this genre as it helps show the rhythem of the song. Also during the flash backs the young bandmates are always positioned close to each others to show their realationships, whereas when the band members are on screen they are quite distant from one another,this may show that the tragedy of "the rev" dying has made them drift apart and hide their feelings.  There is a close up shot of the rev caving his real name (Jimmy) into a table, although he doesnt manage to finish it as we only see him write "Jimm" this could represent that he didnt get to live his whole life, and there was still things left for him to do. Towards the end of the video some home videos are show, obviously these shots are handheld. The last shot on this video is a handheld home video clip of the band mates hugging the rev, i think this is a very touching last clip as it shows how much they loved him.
           The editing is fast paced this could show that the bamd thought that the time the had with the rev went quick and he was lost suddenly. There as a lot of cross fades used, this may like to the fact that all their memorys of the rev are fading into each other and becoming overwheming.
           The young band members are wearing typical clothing for teenages who like rock music, one is wearing an Iron Maiden top, which is very common in rock lovers, thoughout the duration of the young band members growing up they always stick to similar clothing alothough the clothes progessivly get darker, dark clothing is typical for rock bands. The actual band member as all wearing dark clothing, although they look smart. This could maybe hint about the funeral.

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