Thursday, 8 September 2011

The first frame is an establishing shot of the characters home. It is shown through a stripped down car, shows the messy outside of the motorhome and you see the character walk out in his robe, showing he does not care for either himself or his surroundings.
The second frame shows the guitarist in the band using one of the beer bottles laying around the motorhome as a slider. This shows us that the character is a typical 'lowlife' and lays about drinking alcohol.
The 3rd frame shows the singer/guitarist playing in the back of the characters home. It has a blurred out shot of the rubbish such as the beer bottle infront but focuses on the singer.
The 4th frame shows the character taking the opportunity to take what isn't his, even if it is someones food. Showing how he disregards others if he gets the chance.
The 5th frame is of the singer in the home of the character, but it shows you the view from someone looking in from the outside. He raises his fit as he sings the words 'put up a fight', so it works together.
The 6th frame shows the character lying on the ground with a bottle of alcohol in his hand. This is shown to the lyircs "I'll be sleeping like a baby tonight"
The 7th frame shows the character being congratulated by other people, even though he this lowlife person, who no one should really care about, showing a juxtaposition.
The 8th shows the character coming to his cluttered home, with the look of joy on his face because he has been congratulated from the people, for basically being who he is.
The 9th frame shows the band and the character walking away as friends, while the motorhome explodes behind them all.

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